
Magi(Labyrinth of Magic): Sinbad

Friday, November 01, 2013

Reno as Sinbad
World Cosplay Profile here.
Sinbad, the King of Sindria, a well-known dungeon capturer and the leader of the "The Seven Seas Alliance", an alliance of 7 different countries. He has his team called Eight Generals, two of which is Masrur and Jafar, all eight of them are his household members.

Sinbad is introduced as a laid back man that likes to get drunk, but it is later on revealed that he is stronger than he looks and is stronger than the titles given to him. He is known to have a great mastery with his magoi and using his djinn equips well.

I've always been a fan of amazing cosplays and portrayals by great cosplayers. I like the character so much and I wish I could see Sinbad djinn equip cosplays too. Amazing Reno as Sinbad folks.

Anything you wish to recommend? Any anime you wish for me to review? Comment them below!

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