"Attack on Titan" Exhibition Reaches 25 Million Visitors + Limited Oiri-bukuro
Friday, January 16, 2015
Attack On Titan Exhibition at Ueno No Mori Museum, Tokyo has
been confirmed to have received 25 million people after opening on November 28.
To commemorate the 25-million people mark record, the museum will be giving “Oiri-bukuro”
envelopes with a message from Hajime Isayama, original creator, starting
January 19, Monday until stocks last.
“Oiri-bukuro” is a bonus pay given to employees in Japan on
occasions of a full house, usually given inside small envelopes. The envelopes
for the commemoration will contain a message from the creator instead of money.
The Ueno No Mori Museum – Tokyo Exhibition will be running
until January 25. The exhibition will also be held at Oita Prefectural Museum
from August 1 to 30 and at Osaka Grand Front from September 11 till October 18
after the Tokyo exhibition is over.