Wednesday, October 24, 2012
As I said before, in my former blog entry, some people don't even know the true art and essence of the word and hobby, 'COSPLAY'(I can't believe that I even have the guts to comment on these issues tho I, myself is not a cosplayer, but a mere con-goer. Maybe it's because I've been a spectator for so long that I can classify my self eligible of criticizing on what I see for I've been used to seeing it and it's not something new to me.). Some self-proclaimed cosplayers don't even put much effort and passion into what they are doing. It's like "Hey! Look! I'm all dressed up as a cute girl" or "Look upon me and worship me for I am the personification of your favorite character" attitude of most newbs.
From time to time(since I don't attend EVERY con and just go to cons where my schedule is free...), I see more and more cosplayers roaming around, looking like manga-trash(does mangas that never got the chance to be published for you-know-what reason). Synthetic wigs that looks like they're suffering from cancer, inappropriate wig style/look, and most of all, NOT WEARING ANY AT ALL. Just their plain black, straight hair. It's a pain in the eye seeing them, calling themselves cosplayers, although they don't even know how to do the proper make-up for their character, or even the simplest of poses of the character they are portraying.
Cosplay isn't a FASHION TREND, it isn't for modelling. It's not about mere wearing of the costume or the attire of the character walking around the way you want, but wearing the character and it's characteristics as a whole.
Most of the time, when I see a Vocaloid cosplayer(No offense meant to Vocaloid cosplayers) it's either the projection is outstanding or out...out. It was like they did that for the sake of cosplaying. I for one did not knew who they were when I first attended my very first con, but since whenever I see them in conventions, I got used to what they look like, got curious, Googled them up and learned a bunch of stuff. And realizing what I've seen and been seeing, for goodness sake, please stop what your doing and get the hell out of my sight. Most cosgailers cosplay these personas because it requires no information about the character unlike anime characters that even requires further research to fully gain knowledge about them.
But I'm not saying that only those who are elite cosplayers should cosplay, although I am saying that make the necessary preparations before you debut your cosplay. Isn't it that you also do preparations before big events? It's just the same as this, it's like your Baptism, you are to be welcomed into the cosplay world after you debut your first cosplay.
Tips from a cosplay spectator:
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From time to time(since I don't attend EVERY con and just go to cons where my schedule is free...), I see more and more cosplayers roaming around, looking like manga-trash(does mangas that never got the chance to be published for you-know-what reason). Synthetic wigs that looks like they're suffering from cancer, inappropriate wig style/look, and most of all, NOT WEARING ANY AT ALL. Just their plain black, straight hair. It's a pain in the eye seeing them, calling themselves cosplayers, although they don't even know how to do the proper make-up for their character, or even the simplest of poses of the character they are portraying.
Cosplay isn't a FASHION TREND, it isn't for modelling. It's not about mere wearing of the costume or the attire of the character walking around the way you want, but wearing the character and it's characteristics as a whole.
Most of the time, when I see a Vocaloid cosplayer(No offense meant to Vocaloid cosplayers) it's either the projection is outstanding or out...out. It was like they did that for the sake of cosplaying. I for one did not knew who they were when I first attended my very first con, but since whenever I see them in conventions, I got used to what they look like, got curious, Googled them up and learned a bunch of stuff. And realizing what I've seen and been seeing, for goodness sake, please stop what your doing and get the hell out of my sight. Most cosgailers cosplay these personas because it requires no information about the character unlike anime characters that even requires further research to fully gain knowledge about them.
But I'm not saying that only those who are elite cosplayers should cosplay, although I am saying that make the necessary preparations before you debut your cosplay. Isn't it that you also do preparations before big events? It's just the same as this, it's like your Baptism, you are to be welcomed into the cosplay world after you debut your first cosplay.
Tips from a cosplay spectator:
- Go over multiple tutorials and try them yourself until you think you got it.
- Earn. Earn sufficient money so that you can complete every single bit of detail of your character. Cosplay is about art and craftsmanship, also being critical, observing the smallest of details.
- Inquire/Ask cosplayers who have been in this league for a long time. Ask them about the wigs, the shoes(because some characters require custom boots/shoes), the weapon/props, the accessories, the make-up and the look.
- Think of alternatives. Your characters are fictional. Most of the time, the item that would complete the look can't be found on any store. Make one.
- Think a bunch of times every now and then.
- Be careful of scammers Be sure to buy only to legit online sellers if you are to order your items online and be sure to differentiate what's good and what's not if you are to buy offline.
- Have fun. Spectators like me like seeing barkadas/tropas cosplaying epic characters and having fun.
Make the best of it. Anyway, it is an expensive hobby.